Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
a man standing in front of a soccer team representing Kindness
a man standing in front of a soccer team representing Kindness

''Put me in Coach''

Whether you believe in the ''all kids should get a trophy''.
modern-day rule or not...
A lot of us agree,
that some kids should get more than they got!
Allow us to help relieve some of that bitterness of defeat
by composing a special fun-filled facts athlete E-card.
To encourage them back up on their feet.

Of course, kid's feelings are sensitive
so we insist it be reviewed by you.
We feel confident that we can help them pick up their chin
Because making people feel better is what we do!

Click here to place your Order
and win over hearts, one card at a time.