Some pictures seem to poeticize themselves,
others may require a couple of verses to evolve.
Allow us to add the necessary contrast
to the emotion you wish to cast,
as that's the type of problem we solve...
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or scroll down for further details.

Win Over Hearts and Customers

We write poetry based on the info or photo that you provide.

We write poetry to be used for your greeting cards, invitations,
advertising, etc. Our poems are often used for Special Recognition Gifts as well as Gift-giving in general. This is an overview of our website...
1. We have a Catalog of ideas that can be accessed at the top of each page.
2. Within said Catalog are pictures to be clicked on for examples of our poetry.
3. We do not sell pictures or cards. However, our poetry can complement both.
4. The information we require to compose your Personalized Poetry is listed at the bottom of each page.
5. Click on the ''Here's How To Order Button'' near the top of our How We Work page, for complete ordering details as well as menus of suggestions.
We have over 100 pages of poetic suggestions divided into 8 categories that we are constantly updating! Due to our bright colors, unique fonts, and countless pics, it was suggested that we might need to elaborate a little on this landing page. In short, we will compose 12 to 15 lines of original poetry tailored to fit practically anybody or anything for $10.00. Longer poems can be written for varying dollar amounts, email us for details. Our poems are very unique in targeting the heart of the individual either for their personal feelings or the feelings we project toward an event or service you're promoting. Look our site over, there is a lot to see.

Click below to view our Here's How We Work Page and continue to enjoy our Shopper's Paradise!