Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
a man and woman embracing in the snow representing Poetic Resolve
a man and woman embracing in the snow representing Poetic Resolve

We've all said things that we didn't mean,
when in an argument with someone.

then maybe storming from the room
before the argument was even done!
If you find yourself guilty or not,
when things aren't going so well,
try to reduce the tension,
through rhythm and rhyme we sell.
As you both are ''cooling down'' a bit,
Just send us an email with a few of the facts
and we'll get to work on it.
while you let yourself relax.
Through the Ink of a Poet
If you love them let them know it!

Poetic Resolve

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and win over hearts, one card at a time.